Helping Small Businesses Fight Cybercrime Benefits the Global Ecosystem

Cybercriminals like to use small businesses as a gateway into larger corporations. After all, small businesses are the back bone of the global economy and make up the majority of all businesses. They provide a number of services, and larger companies are just one of many that they serve.

Amy Jordan of World Economic Forum knows that attackers target small businesses because they will “gain access to the credentials of a small business in the supply chain of a large enterprise as a pathway into the larger company.” Small businesses can get shutdown after a cyberattack, and since they provide essential services to many individuals, governments, and larger companies, it’s important that we take the steps necessary to start protecting them.

All we need are the right tools:

The GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit for Small Business is a great tool that offers free resources to protect your company, as well as advice and guides on how to implement the free tools.

To read Amy Jordan’s and Andy Bates’ full article on World Economic Forum, click on the picture below!