Do Something!

By Renée McLaughlin

Recently, former state CSO and MS-ISAC member, Dan Lohrmann, spoke with newly appointed GCA CEO and President, Phil Reitinger, and our Board Chair, Will Pelgrin, about the Global Cyber Alliance. It’s an exciting time for us at GCA!  We are a part of something new; helping to build it from the ground up!

That is our mantra…do something!

“Do something, see whether it works, and tell people about it so they can learn from your experience. Repeat. That’s what GCA will do.” ~ P. Reitinger

Please join us and follow our progress as we grow.  You can read the entire interviewhere (originally posted on

Renée is the Social Media Manager at the Global Cyber Alliance.

You can follow her on Twitter @RNMc3 or you can follow GCA @GlobalCyberAlln